Alejandra Castillo Flores

It’s the twist of a knowledge


Alejandra Castillo Flores

• The position of the analyst is that of curiosity, it is through curiosity that we can get to knowledge, not to the preestablished knowledge of a theory, but to the one construed during the sessions, the one that answers the unknown that in an equation is marked with an “x”. That is my practice, which I determined following what the APOLa’s (Apertura Para Otro Lacan [Opening For Other Lacan]) Scientific Program of Research sets in light of the diversity of practices and psychoanalytic methods.

I found myself here because of language, a central element in the Lacanian theory of the mind and which I have studied one way or the other throughout my professional experience. I am not a psychologist, nor a therapist, since I do not possess that knowledge nor the tools that would make me one or the other; I also do not give advice nor I am a seer, given that I do not pretend to know what would be best or not for a person, nor is there any mysticism to what I do. And what I do was already said by “Anna O” to Breuer when he realized that transference existed, it is the talking cure.

If we can talk of curing it is because there is a disease and therefore there are patients, though it is a very peculiar disease, since you cannot locate it in the body, but it does hurt and cause conflict, it is the disease of suffering, the one of “I am not fine but I don’t know why”.

“The symptom is first of all the silence in the supposed speaking subject.”

Seminar XI of Jacques Lacan

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